Relationship between Social Intelligence and Critical Thinking among College Student-Athletes
College Student-Athletes, Critical Thinking, Social IntelligenceAbstract
Student-athletes face unique challenges that necessitate strong social and critical thinking skills. The present study examined the relationship between social intelligence and critical thinking skills among 207 college athletes (Males = 168; Females = 39) in Haripur, Pakistan. Social Intelligence was assessed as a predictor of critical thinking and measured in terms of social information processing, social awareness, and social skills. The survey included the Tromsø Social Intelligence Scale, the Critical Thinking Skills from the Academic Competence Evaluation Scale (ACES) and the informed consent and demographic information sheet. Participants had moderate social intelligence and a developing range of critical thinking skills. On average, scores on social information processing were higher than those on social awareness and social skills. Regression analysis showed that three aspects of social intelligence are positively associated with critical thinking among college athletes. Social awareness had a strong effect, social information processing had a moderate effect, and social skills had a low yet significant positive impact on critical thinking. Findings imply that one way to enhance critical thinking among students is to increase their social intelligence through integrated curricula, training, and mentorship. This study has potential implications for screening and improving the academic and sports performance of athletes to ensure their overall success and well-being.
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