
  • Uzma Hassan GC University, Faisalabad, Pakistan. 
  • Usman Ghani Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan. 
  • Aysha Fatima Women University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Bagh, Pakistan.
  • Farrukh Aslam GC University, Faisalabad, Pakistan.




Plyometric Training, Upper Body Strength, Lower Body Strength, Female Badminton Athletes


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of Plyometric Training on selected Physical Parameters of Collegiate Female Badminton Athletes. This study highlighted the impact of 12 weeks of plyometric training on selected physical parameters such as upper and lower body strength and anthropometric attributes such as weight and waist-hip ratio among females aged 16-22 years. The selected intervention was conducted at the Government Post Graduate College, Faisalabad, Punjab Pakistan. Experimental and randomized control trials and pre/post-intervention study design were used. The subjects/participants were randomly assigned into two equal groups (n=20). All the subjects/participants were divided into two groups with 10 subjects each as experimental and control group. Upper body strength is measured through push-ups test and lower body strength is measured through the squats test. The results of physical parameters such as upper body strength and lower body strength of female badminton athletes changed after a 12-week plyometric training program. Therefore, the mean and standard deviation values of upper body strength and lower body strength of post-intervention were found to improve. Finally, the researchers concluded that a 12-week plyometric training program affects the selected physical parameters i-e upper body strength and lower body strength post-intervention of college-level female badminton athletes. Additionally, in this research, the anthropometric variables were also entertained. The weight and waist-hip ratio, after the effect on selected physical parameters such as upper body strength and lower body strength, post-intervention of 12-weeks plyometric training of college-level female badminton athletes therefore, the mean and standard deviation values of weight and waist-hip ratio of post-intervention were changed significantly after post-training. Based on the findings, the researchers recommend that college authorities provide maximum chances for girls to participate in badminton games regularly to improve the selected physical parameters of upper body strength and lower body strength.

Author Biographies

Uzma Hassan, GC University, Faisalabad, Pakistan. 

Lecturer, Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, GC University, Faisalabad, Pakistan. 

Usman Ghani, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan. 

Lecturer, Physical Education Boys Degree College Mang, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Pakistan. 

Aysha Fatima, Women University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Bagh, Pakistan.

Lecturer, Department of Sports Science & Physical Education, Women University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Bagh, Pakistan.

Farrukh Aslam, GC University, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Lecturer, Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, GC University, Faisalabad, Pakistan. 


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How to Cite

Hassan, U., Ghani, U., Fatima, A., & Aslam, F. (2023). EFFECT OF PLYOMETRIC TRAINING ON UPPER & LOWER BODY STRENGTH OF FEMALE BADMINTON ATHLETES. Sports Sciences and Physical Education Review, 2(1), CX - CXIX. https://doi.org/10.52633/ssper.v2i1.26