Kinesio Taping, Muscle Strength, Balance, Tennis Players, Ankle Instability, RehabilitationAbstract
This research delves into the influence of Kinesio Taping on muscle strength and balance in forty-four tennis players grappling with ankle instability. The intervention group, subjected to Kinesio Taping, exhibited a slight uptick in isometric calf raises, hinting at a positive impact on calf muscle strength. Noteworthy trends in the single-leg squat test suggested a potential enhancement in lower limb strength, aligning with the theoretical underpinnings of Kinesio Taping. Additionally, improved balance, crucial for dynamic athletes, surfaced in both single-leg and Y-balance tests within the intervention group. Multivariate Analysis of Variance highlighted significant group disparities, emphasizing the imperative for personalized rehabilitation strategies. Despite limitations, such as a moderately sized sample, the study suggests that integrating Kinesio Taping into rehabilitation protocols may fortify muscle strength and balance, essential for on-court prowess. These findings substantially contribute to comprehending Kinesio Taping's advantages for tennis players with ankle instability, proposing avenues for future research, including extended intervention periods and qualitative inquiries into athletes' experiences. The study underscores the significance of a holistic approach to sports rehabilitation, recognizing individualized care and complementary interventions for optimal performance and injury risk mitigation in the sporting community.
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